The conversation I had with the Japanese police at the police station is not what I expected.
I lost my alien card (#zairyu 在留). Didn't know when ... didn't know where... didn't know how. All I remember was how I turned white when I realized it was gone.
NOTE: It is imperative for "#gaikokujin" (foreigners living in Japan) to always carry this little card. If one is caught without it, there's a hefty fee to pay.
After checking with the train station nearest my work and my home, the hotel I checked in over the holiday, and the shop I last remember I had it, I did a massive search online. I googled #whattodoifyouloseyouraliencardinjapan . With all the first-hand experience shared online, I knew what I had to do. So, off I went to my neighborhood police station (#koban 交番).
Getting to know my friendly neighborhood police
There was just one policeman at the station when I visited it. He was a bit surprised when I entered since he was staring at a blank wall before I came in (Maybe counting the minutes till his shift is over? Just like the rest of us.) . We exchanged the usual formal greetings and told him my well-practiced spiel on how I lost my zairyu card. I thought I did quite well but maybe too well because then he started to ask questions as to how it came about. Forgot to practice those! Ugh! 🤦
So, I started giving him my standard spiel of "Sumimasen. Nihongo sukoshi dake. Eigo hanasemasuka?" (rough translation: I'm sorry but I only know a little Japanese. Can you speak in English?) That's when he squared his shoulders and said "Yes, but only a little bit." Alleluia! He then asked his questions again; this time, he took his time phrasing his questions in English. The #ESL teacher in me came out and helped him phrase his questions better:
Police: Doko... where you lost card know?
Me: Hmm... where I lost my card? Actually, wakaranai. (I don't know.)
Police: Iie. Eh... where you know lost card?
Me: Ahh... Where I realized I lost my card? (with heavy emphasis on each word)
Police: So so! Yes yes! Where you realized you lost your card?
Me: Good! Ah... (gave the answer)
The Interview
He wanted to practice his English.
While he proceeded inputting my information in the system. He started to ask questions about where I work, what I think of Japan and what Japanese food I love and hate. His introduction to the "interview":
Police: This is not part of the report but I want to chat with you. Ok?
Me: Sure! (thinking of appropriate questions to ask a policeman)
He indulged me and answered all my questions as well. But the best part was:
Police: I think this is rude but are you __ years old ? (holding my passport)
Me: Yes
Police: I'm __ years old. I'm younger than you?!
Me: 🤣
Police: 😳
Me: 😐
In the end, he found where my card was handed in and he gave me instructions on how to retrieve it. Big sigh of relief! Wouldn't it be great if all policemen are like him? Thank you, sir! #myjapanlife